Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why I love Pizza Hut's Extreme Cheesy 6 Pizza!

21st October 2010. 0430 hours. Malaysia

This just in Sir, a Top Secret so Secret that all other Secrets bow before it's secret-ness.
And we are about to find out just what it is..

*Opens the envelope*
*Extracts the file*
*Opens the file*
*Looks inside the file*
*Gasps in amazement*

It's the New Pizza Hut Extreme Cheesy Six Pizza!!

Immediately I began to feel it's effects, it was intoxicating, consuming
me from within, a sudden desire to try out this pizza with 6 cheese on it. That's right, six cheeses: Parmesan, Mozzarella, Romano, Cheddar, Provolone and Monterey Jack! So without thinking, I posted on my facebook wall :

Immediately there was a great response, and a gang of people were summoned to go and try out this new pizza. We needed safety in numbers, for there was something mysterious lurking in the land of Pizza Hut. Explorer and Adventurer Extraordinaire Darren Edwards takes us on the hunt, for the source of the Extreme Cheesy 6!!

*Arrgh, enemies are interfering with the connection to the YOU TUBE. My videos are failing to upload. No matter, I shall post my blog first, and hope the video finishes uploading soon. You will not stop me, Evil ones*

Uploading.. uploading..

Finally, here it is!! Presenting rare, never before seen footage of the Cheese Creature!! Exclusive to!

And so now you know.. Where the 6 Cheeses come from... Muahahahahhahahaha

Local artist and good friend Tim Lim had this to say:
Indeed, the 6 Cheeses were delicious!!
So, what are you waiting for, guys? Go, try it out!! Be like me..

I’m crazy about Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

God's Protection

Dear Readers,

Yesterday on my way to Sunway to meet Tim and the gang I almost had an accident on the road. Well, the fact is, I did have an accident, but not nearly as bad as it could have been, if not for God's protection over me.

So what happened was it was raining, and I was just driving a long like normal. I wasn't speeding or even tail gating, but as I turned along the highway, the car in front of me suddenly braked. I tried to brake as well, and my car promptly went out of control.

It was quite scary, I tell you. I remember desperately trying to decide what to do. The car in front of me was getting closer and closer and on my left side was the rest of the highway with cars passing by. On my right side, however, was the road divider. So in the end, I decided to scrape my car against the divider rather than hit the car in front. Just at the last moment, however, I managed to slow down and to cut a long story short, I emerged with just a scratch... on my car... nothing really to worry about.

A lesson to all. Remember not to drive fast or tail gate, whether it is raining or not. Just stay within the speed limit, and you'll be much safer. Especially don't tailgate coz not only is it dangerous, it's also pretty annoying as well.

It got me thinking, though. Like, anything could have happened. And there would have been nothing much I could do about it. It just goes to show how fragile and brief our lives can be. And how God is always watching over us.

Thank you God for your protection.

p.s. On the bright side, though, I now have another idea for the MUFORS short film competition.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Loads of competitions have come up on Nuffnang recently, and I can tell you that I'm getting excited about it!!

In spite of my busy schedule, I'm going to find some way some how to post for a few of these, especially the Digi Free Your Ideas and Standard Chartered Coolest Intern posts!! Awesome!! Thanks Nuffnang~

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Final Year Script

Long sighhhh~

I've got so much to do, this is just insane..

I wish I wasn't such a so-called perfectionist when it comes to my scriptwriting. I mean, a script can't be perfect right? And with so little time, I don't understand how I can't just settle for one story and then go all out writing it. No, I have to think about it too much, get stuck, then realize I can't continue and change to a completely NEW story and start all over again. Brilliant, Sam, brilliant..

Aaaanyway, I suppose I just have got to pull up my socks and try to salvage this. So here I am, blogging.. This really helps my scriptwriting.. alot..

I don't even know why I uploaded this post. I'm becoming incoherent. I'd better sign off now.

Goodnight my little potatoes.


Monday, October 18, 2010

A short post

I'm prepping myself for a major project. One that may or may not be successful, largely depending on the feelings of another person. It's strange, wanting to do something perfectly and yet knowing that it won't be perfect, and trying to do it anyway with a constant urge to give up.

Hard to understand? As I said, it's weird.

And yet, if by some divine intervention it does succeed beyond my wildest dreams, it will be a story to tell for a long time to come. So, do it I must. Even if I have to risk it all in yet another one of my signature foolish moves. I will.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nuffnang Glitterati Plus + 100 posts

Well guys, no witty title for you today.. it's gonna be straightforward and simple.

Two things of note happened today. First of all, today at 10:00am, Nuffnang Malaysia Glitterati Plus' first open meeting was held. Quite a few bloggers attended, and the meeting was a success IMO. We got to learn a bit about Glitterati Plus and what it is all about.

Very excited to hear what they've got planned, and even better, next time the members (of which I hope to be one) will be given the opportunity to plan and suggest some of the events as well !! From outings to futsal to charity work, it's all out there waiting for us!!

And as if that's not good enough, there's even a bunch of cool parties, awesome competitions and 1-week-before-premiere press screenings of movies thrown in for those lucky Nuffnangers who are members of G+!! So hurry up, find out more!!


and soon to come, G+Website.

And second of all.. I've finally reached 100 posts on my blog :) It took some time, but goal achieved. Now, on to 500!! :D Yay!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Another lesson on Faithfulness

This week, has been a rough one..

It started out fine, had a good weekend. Monday evening's recording with Tim Lim went well.. It was fun to hang out, have dinner and then do a little video stuff, so it was all good.

Then things started to go downhill. Firstly, I changed my script for BMW shorties LAST MINUTE. I know, i'm such an ass.. (OMG sam you used 'ass', .. well, deal with it) It's one of my most annoying freaking weaknesses I'm NEVER satisfied with the script that I'm working on. And I mean not only not satisfied with the flow/scene/dialogue but I have to go and change the ENTIRE story every time. It's so stupid. I've wasted so much time because of this. Anyway, hopefully I'll learn my lesson this time? I don't think so... :)

Ok then on weds when I had shot some footage to edit.. Brought my camera to the computer, and guess what.. it doesn't work !! ArggghhH!! Somehow, for some reason, I just could not transfer the clips!!

I tried everything, even read a bunch of forums about the usual problems, and tried all their suggestions, to no avail. Wow, after that I totally had no mood to join BMW shorties anymore.. it was just depressing.. So in the end I just spent the night preparing for presentations the next day.

Thursday's presentations went quite well I guess. I mean, considering the amount of time we spent on them, we did quite alright.. Presented about Romance in Media and also Digi!! The Digi one was funny coz we only prepared for it like 10 mins before we actually presented.. seriously... Anyway after school, tried to fix my camera again.. couldn't fix it...

Well, cell group time. I decided to just forget about the competition and just go for cell group. A wise decision. God spoke to me again during the cell group. You see, this week I had been missing out on devotions and also a lot of prayer time because of my busyness.. Well, had a refreshing cell group and then dinner. Arrived home tired but a little bit more cheered up:)

Today, we all skipped class coz none of us really wanted to go. In the afternoon, I had a surprisingly long talk with Deborah Ho, which cheered me up even more =D Annoying orange is awesome! and so are many other things..

And then, it was Starcraft time. I notice that I play a lot of Starcraft when I'm feeling very "sien". But hey, results show. I am now.. wait for it.. #1 on my bronze league!! Wooohoooo!! and here's a screenshot to prove it...

Oh YEAH!!! NoSenSei is dominating!!!

So yeah, I suppose this week was not a complete loss. Am preparing for my big project coming up soon. wish me luck ;)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kurt Hugo Schneider Mashup!

Hey guys,

I've been watching these guys' videos for some time, and what can I say, they do awesome covers! Check out each different shot as they are all singing parts of the song!!

Epic indeed!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Secret Recipe Madness!

Had a great time at secret recipe just now with some of my awesome friends from Limkokwing. We should do it more often, in my opinion. It was just non-stop laughter the whole time!!

And to add to the experience, we realized a couple of things while feasting on cake and cheese covered french fries. Firstly, each and every one of us is crazy in his/her own right. I don't know what the other customers thought about the lameness emanating from our table, but I do worry for their sanity, cause they were around our group for more than 5 minutes (a lethal dose in most cases!!)

Second of all, we realized that Facebook has become such an integral part of our lives that we have started to apply it's mechanics into our real lives. For example..

And Liking!

Seriously, it doesn't get any geekier than this. Can't wait for the next hang out! It's going to be Legen-I hope you're not lactose intolerant coz the next word is-dary!!

Moving up the Starcraft ladder.

Ok so for those of you who don't know, I actually have a BattleNet account.

Yeah, that means I'm playing Starcraft2 people!!

It's one of the best games in the world IMO.. and it's produced by Blizzard. And we all know that Blizzard ONLY produces the BEST games in the world. I mean, every game that I've been addicted to in the past has come from Blizzard: Diablo, Warcraft and Starcraft. What can I say, they're geniuses.

Well, I'm a total noob at Starcraft. I mean, the last time I played it was when Dacom was the ONLY? cybercafe in Tawau. So yeah, that pretty much says it all. There were 5 placement matches to begin with on the 1v1 league and I lost all of them. It put me in the bronze league (yes, you guessed it.. the lowest league, kinda like kindergarden) But after 43 games, I am now 4th in my league.. Hope to get to Silver League soon, and play with the big boys :)

My race is Zerg, coz they're the aliens who are just fighting to survive. And fight we will! Till every last Protoss and Terran SCUM are dealt with in the proper manner, which is DEATHHHH!!!
hahahaha... Zerg is a pretty complicated race, however, and it takes SOOOO much to macro up properly. I'm still completely incompetent when it comes to managing larva and injecting with queens and fast expanding.. gosh... enough to make you go spastic. (which, ironically, is exactly what you have to be to play Zerg. You need to be spastic, unpredictable, ready to react to whatever build your opponent throws at you).

So anyway, yeah, 4th place, and moving up. I'll post again when I'm #1 on the BRONZEEE.. stay tuned.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Not so long ago, 5 minutes ago..

In the midst of all the assignments on Sam's mind.. a blog post surfaced. And it stayed there, despite attempts to remove it forcibly...

Then, it started making demands.. "Post me up!" it said, or I will haunt you this night, and you'll be as productive as a toilet bowl that's been dropped in the ocean.. Scary words indeed.. and not to be taken lightly...

So here I am, blogging, when I should be studying..

And then a thought came to me.. I don't have to listen to this voice.. I can choose to blog whenever I want to.. and so, I waited.. and waited... and waited.. and I'm still waiting :)

The end.

Hope you all enjoyed this little story.. I'm sorry if I just wasted 3 minutes of your time xD

Sunday, October 10, 2010


"10.10.10 - A very special day, for a very special someone."

And of course, I'm refering to my sister Sarah!

Aww, ain't she a champ!!

For those of you who don't know, Sarah is actually my sister!! We've known each other for the past 19 years xD and what can I say, it's been good!

Ok so what do we know about Sarah?

cute, matured, organized, caring, HUNGRY, gorgeous, funny, loves to hang out, a chocoholic, an aggressive driver, scared of lizards, scared of mice, scared of anything that moves basically, a series watcher, a good cook, an even better teacher, a beginner surfer, a room service enjoyer, a tambourine dancer, and a leader.

But most important of all, she's the best sister any brother could ask for. And I think Andrew would agree with me on that one.

So now, on her 19th Birthday, I continue to pray that she will grow up to be a woman of noble character, who fears God and trusts him in every aspect of her life. I know you will, Sarah! And i'll always be there to watch over you (Cheh!) haha..

Anyway, Love you lots!! Missing you too.. Study well in England. You'll be teaching my kids next time, and I want them to learn from the best :)

Your Brother,

p.s. Try not to grow too much taller than you are now. That goes for you too, Andrew. I mean, seriously.. this is what our pictures look like nowadays.
Not funny!

Get on Board, Stop Child Abuse!

Hello my little potatoes,

Here's my 2nd post for the night. It's about Child Abuse.
First of all, here's a little true/false exercise for you guys.. I got it from Nuffnang.

Take a quick look at the following statements regarding child abuse, and tell me which ones you think are true, and which ones are false:

1. It’s only abuse if there is physical violence involved.
2. Only bad people abuse. Good people don’t.
3. Many children do not know their abusers.
4. Abused children will definitely grow up to be abusers.

All of the above statements are in fact, false. How many did you get correct?

Yeah so, I took this exercise myself, and I got only two of them correct. Now that just goes to show how many misconceptions we have about child abuse. Most of us probably don't realize that it is much more common that we think. Even in 'good' families, child abuse exists, albeit in milder forms, but abuse nonetheless. And what's worse, the victims, children, cannot really defend themselves from such abuse.

As the victims often don’t have the voice to speak up for themselves, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is launching the ‘Get on Board’campaign to raise public awareness about the devastating effects of child abuse.

Lasting two months, the campaign rallies everybody with the call to ‘Raise your hand, Stop child abuse now!’ and aims to unite 100,000 Malaysians in time for the finale on Human Rights Day in December. If you wish to find out more about the campaign and be a part of it, log on to to find out more.

So what are you waiting for, get on board!! Join the call to stop child abuse!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

You again?

"You again?"
That's what you would say to someone who keeps getting in your face.. the person who, despite your best efforts at shoo-ing him away, has time and time again been there to annoy you in every way imaginable. I am familiar with this phrase.. I have been on both ends of it.

Or maybe you just can't stand the person's face!! That happens quite often, let me tell you.

But often as not, the people who annoy us the most are sometimes the people that are closest to us. I don't want to write a post about someone I hate. Rather, I'll write a post about...


My Brother. :)

His name is Andrew, and he can be the most annoying person in the world sometimes!! (Andrew, if you're reading this, make sure you read till the very end, please, and not go off crying after you've seen the above sentence)

Anyway, why is he annoying? My gosh, when he eats all the Oreos and doesn't even leave a single one for me.. I remember it for years :P

And then there's his inability to live without air-conditioning... it's, appalling...

Oh oh and the fact that he's grown so much in the last few years.. now that's really annoying. I mean, look at this..

He looks like Conan now.. what with the hammer and all. I mean, I used to be able to own him in the face with my speed and agility. But now my punches don't take any effect. They just fall on his rock solid armor... Oh well, now i've moved the battle to the mind :) And I would own him there as well.. at least until he starts studying medicine.. :S

But hey, fighting and challenging him all these years has made both of us a little bit tougher than we would have been with no one to fight with. So, I think it's a good thing. Furthermore, nowadays that's how we communicate. We throw insults at each other for fun, but we know that we don't really mean what we say.

I mean, he's my brother right. I think he's cool now, much cooler than I was at his age. And so, one of the most annoying people is also one the most important to me now. AWWWWWWWWWWWW... well, I don't often say this, but I love you bro!!

Ok now with all that said and done. I have one more message for dear little andrewkins.. "I'm gonna pawn you in arm wrestling by the end of next year.. just you watch."

Well then, why did I write this post, you ask? Actually, there's a movie coming up called "You Again". So we can all go watch it and laugh to ourselves in the dark, completely able to relate to what is happening on the big screen. Well, those who get these special tickets from Nuffnang, anyway! :)


Nuffnang.. PICK ME!!!

Hello world :)

Hello my little munchkins,

I'm back, and I have a story to tell.

But, it's gonna have to wait :) Yes, I'm resorting to cheap tricks in an effort to 'appear' to blog more often.

"But but, that's not very niceeeee~ You shouldn't do that Sam, you're such a loooserrrr.."

Like I care :P