Friday, August 28, 2009

Oh, H2O!

Here are some tips on water. 

No, not the type you wash your car with.. the type you drink.

Yes, genius, they're actually the same thing. ^^

Water consumption 101
Not Enough Water Water bathes cells and eliminates waste products, preventing constipation. These are the ways to boost your water consumption. These are ways to boost your water consumption

#Use a water filter
Drinking water can be contaminated with heavy metals, microorganisms, chlorine, fluoride, and other impurities.
  • You can improve the quality of drinking water by filtering with a reverse osmosis system, charcoal, ceramic, or other high quality filter.
  • Check bottled water—some types are not spring water but actually purified water from the same source as tap water.
  • Store water in glass containers. Avoid the plastic water bottles you find at the store. If you do drink water from a soft, clear water bottle, do not reuse it.
  • Avoid drinking distilled water regularly, because it can deplete your body of needed minerals.

#Meet intake guidlines
The U.S. National Research Council recommends 1 mL of water for every calorie you eat. So according to this guideline, a person who eats 2,000 calories should be drinking 2,000 mL. Other suggestions:
  • Fruit juice, soda, ice tea all have calories that add up.
  • Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea, and green tea, count for ½.
  • More water is needed during exercise and in hot weather. A rough guideline—for every hour of exercise, drink an extra quart of water.
#Avoid drinking at night
People who don't make the time to drink fluids during the day sometimes try to make up for it in the evening, but this may result in waking up during the night to urinate and unrefreshing sleep. Avoid drinking at least two hours before bedtime.

#Drink warm or room temperature water
You wouldn’t water your plants with freezing cold water or put icy water into your pet’s water bowl, would you? In Traditional Chinese Medicine, cold drinks disrupt the proper flow of energy in the body and “shock” the body. Stick to warm or room temperature fluids.


Found this article interesting, although personally.. I don't follow even one of those rules.. maybe that's why i'm so skinny.. anyway, hope some of you find this useful. 



StanleyHang said...

Haha .. Tat's y u bring a huge bottle everyday ..

Sam Vun said...

haha.. yeah =) must get the habit of doing so...

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